Friday, February 25, 2011

18. A picture of your biggest insecurity

My biggest insecurity is my height. Sometimes I feel like I am taller than everyone else in the room. And I'm not that tall, I'm only about 5'8" or so. Tall would be my brother, who is over 6' tall. I am taller than both of my sisters, though. Sometimes I just feel very tall, much taller than usual. So I don't wear heels very often. I am okay wearing them at work sometimes, but I am still insecure about it.

It's also hard to find pants that don't look like clam diggers on me. I usually have to get long pants, but sometimes those are pretty hard to find.

I definitely don't wear heels when I am out anywhere with my husband. If I do, it's very rare. I am already taller than him without shoes on (he is short and his entire family is short), so I just don't want to seem any taller than I already am.

Over the years I have gotten more comfortable with it. I like the shoes that I do have, I am just a little cautious about which ones I wear for certain things.

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