Wow I can't believe I made this awesome piece of art. I love it and can't wait to hang it up.
I got the idea from this awesome blog:
I found it while searching around on Pinterest.
I pretty much followed her instructions, except I used polyurethane instead of modge podge, and elmer's glue instead of spray adhesive.
I went to Home Depot and got my paint chips. I used the Glidden brand ones because I liked their colors more and they looked easier to cut to the size I wanted my color squares to be. I also picked up a piece of plywood, 2x2, to get that square look I wanted.
After a little math, I ended up trimming all the paint chips to the size I needed. I needed 64 squares to cover my board (it wasn't exactly 2x2ft. and the squares were cut a tiny sliver below 3x3in.) Once they were all cut to size I put them all down on my board and decided which ones I wanted where, and which ones needed to go (I had some extras).
I also painted the edges of the board with some brown paint I had on hand.
These paint chips made the cut:
I glued them down one at a time (wiping up excess glue if needed):
Once they were all glued down and dried, I covered with polyurethane:
Once that was dried, I used super glue to glue down the corner flaps of paint chips that didn't want to stick. And after that dried, I stained the whole thing, top and sides:
I let that sit for a while and then I wiped most of it off (but I think I like it more in the photo above?). I love rustic looking things:
Then I added one last coat of polyurethane once that was all dried and made some touch ups where I needed to.
I have to put the hanging hardware on the back and then hang it, but it's currently drying. It's going to look so nice once it's hanging!
Thanks again to Monica from the Real Housewives of Bucks County blog!!
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