M is for mornings. Monday Mornings, that is.
I like sleeping in on weekend mornings. This past weekend I didn't get to sleep in as much as I would have wanted to. In fact, the last few weekends have been like that. Monday mornings are not so bad anymore-I get to reflect on all the things I completed over the weekend.
I love having weekends off from work. It's a nice perk and gives me time to unwind and do whatever things I want to do around the apartment, or out and about in Richmond and sometimes other places. Daniel works every weekend unless he asks for it off..which is fine, because he's got 2 jobs now. (he is now teaching piano..so his regular days off are now teaching days)
Anyway, mornings are actually not so bad. I realized I get so much more stuff done when I wake up early in the morning. I'm done doing things I planned to do by 10 or 11, and that gives me the rest of the day to do whatever I please. It's actually not bad at all. Of course, it's simple math. But, it's nice seeing things get done.
Roundup of this past weekend:
-visited the Clean House yard sale on saturday
-went to an antique shop and a thrift store on saturday morning
-cleaned the entire apartment (vacuumed, cloroxed, took out the trash, put all dishes away, Dr. Wily's box got a thorough cleaning, things got picked up and put away)
-dropped off some clothes to goodwill that we didn't need anymore
-cleaned out my car
-talked to my mom on the phone for 23 minutes saturday morning
-talked to my dad on the phone for 2 hours and 40 minutes saturday afternoon
-spent some time on pinterest pinning and repinning things..inspiration!
-baked 2 cakes on sunday night for a cake pop order I need to deliver on tuesday (lemon cake and yellow cake)
-replaced the light bulb on our front steps
-returned a plant bracket to home depot and repotted/planted some seeds and a little cherry tomato plant
-modgepodged a wine box i got from the CHsale
-spraypainted the spinning rack i got from the CHsale
-went to the Richmond craft mafia Spring BadaBing sale on Sunday morning
-brunch with my sister and friends after the craft show (Kitchen 64), and icecream after that (Sweet 95)
-went to some more shops (class & trash, these4walls) and drove around some parts of Richmond
-rolled up vcu tshirts and labeled with tags, packed up and made them ready to ship
-watched Top Gun with Daniel over dinner sunday night